CALL US: 541-451-1581
Tuition-Free for Children and Families
Head Start is a two generation program. That means we value the development and well-being of the parent just as much as the child. We know that parent’s success directly rates to the success of their child(ren). Kidco offers many avenues for parents to grow, learn, and develop along with their child.
+ Parenting Education - Kidco Head Start is a partner of the The Parenting Success Network with Linn-Benton Community College and other local organizations. The Network provides Parenting Education to enhance parents’ ability to raise healthy children in caring homes. Parenting classes are offered to parents at all stages; pregnancy, parents of infants, toddlers, elementary, middle, and high school aged children. There are also special topics such as sibling rivalry, promoting positive behaviors, and more.
Kidco offers learning opportunities for parents during Family Nights, special Workshops as requested by parents in the program, and Parent CPR/First Aid courses, all at no cost to the family.
+ GED/High School Completion - Kidco offers a supportive program to assist parents with earning their GED. We assist with financial assistance for GED classes
and GED testing, as well as financial assistance for the childcare and transportation needed to accomplish those goals. Kidco also provides a supportive network and environment to help parents through the process.
+ English as a Second/Other Language - Kidco values the importance of home languages and the benefits of bilingual abilities for children. As children learn their home language and English we provide parents the opportunity to develop their dual language skills alongside their children. Kidco has a financial assistance program for parents wanting to learning English. We also have opportunities for parents to learn and practice together with other parents in a supportive environment.
+ Scholarships - Kidco and the Oregon Head Start Association offers Scholarships for parents in college/trade school or going into college/trade school. Scholarship applications are available starting December or January each year and the applications are due April. Kidco staff are available to guide parents through the process of applying.